coming soon:

bubo bubo - collaborative book of drawings on the theme of owls with joel statz.
fauna hudsonica - a journal of the species native to my home town in new hampshire.
chiroptera vol. II, megachiroptera - all about large fruit eating bats


This Is The Same Hillside Cover

This Is The Same Hillside
5 1/4" x 8 1/4"
105 pp.
Publication Studio, Portland OR
ISBN: 9781935662556
lazer print, soft cover
"Part vision quest, part picture book, part poetry, This Is The Same Hillside is a document of Shawn Creeden's adventures
while under the influence of psychedelic mushrooms. His highly personal graphic scrawl keeps the eye lingering on the
page while suggesting a deeper psychological world just beneath the surface." - Publication Studio
Forward by Joel Statz
see more and buy one today HERE


birds of 1907

Birds of 1907
4.25"x5.5" / 11"x17"
8 pages + fold out poster b-side
self published // The Ashen Ledger
b&w photocopy
these are 9 drawings of birds observed through the windows or from the porch of my house in portland. pick one up here!


mothden cover

shawn creeden & melinda melmoth
32 pages
self published
This book has been in the works since melinda first came to ny and stayed
with me in jersey city. some of the drawings are each of our takes on an idea,
most are collaborative (and awesome i might add). full color. buy it here


wrestlers and wildlife cover

shawn creeden and jason polan
28 pages
self published
first press - 150 copies, black and white photocopy
this book is exactly what it says it is. jason provides the excellent drawings of
grown boymen grappling and flexing, while i deliver the spectating otters and
contemplative owls. available now a the shop


chiroptera vol. 1

36 pages
self published
first press - 55 copies, black and white photocopy
first in a series of volumes on the topic of the order chiroptera, or bats. this volume
focuses on microchiroptera, one of two suborders of the bat family. the book is
divided into 5 sections; an introduction, feeding, faces, enemies, and dormancy.
there is also an index of species in the back. i'm all sold out but there may be some
copies still at Printed Matter in nyc, see below.


the maiden voyage

the maiden voyage
5.5"x 4.5"
54 pages

edition of 140, screen printed cover, hand perfect bound
drawings and maps from my first adventure in europe. includes birds i had never seen before,
castles, maps, barcelona, zurich botanicals, and my favorite beach in the world in nice, france.


a journey to the center of the country

A Journey to the Center of the Country
5.5" x 8.5"
24 pages
hand-numbered edition of 100 with screen printed cover
drawings and maps from my first trip to the widwestern united states while on tour with bad business


the way grey squirrels play, uncoloured drawings
5.5" x 4.5"
20 pages
unnumbered edition of 100 with hand-colored cover
collected drawings of various things.



Drawings by Shawn Creeden
5.5" x 4.5"
20 pages
unnumbered edition of 46 with 3 different colored covers
a trip to the national museum of natural history, scenes from a family reunion,
the rochester philharmonic orchestra, and my last month in rochester.


publications i've appeared in:


the best cure for a broken heart

the best cure for a broken heart
6" x 9"
63 pages
snore and guzzle press
"It became evident we should compile a book of true stories about love gone sour.
And as an antidote to those stories, they should be partnered with therapeutically
hearty soup recipes. But not just any old recipe; original, personal favorites from
trusted friends. These are recipes that don't just fill you up, they keep you company."
~Michael Neault, Snore & Guzzle Press


j&l illustrated #2

J&L Illustrated #2
4.75” x 7”
144 pages
j&l books
ISBN 0-9746908-2-1
the second in j&l's outstanding illustrated series. this book contains fiction
from 10 writers and drawings from 35 artists, including david shrigley,
marcel dzama, ryan storm, zach storm, and ryan blomberg.
j&l books for more info and great books


patti magazine

Patti Magazine #8, wildlife
8.5" x 5.5"
56 pages
Patti Media Empir
photographs, articles, fiction, fashion, from across north america + four drawings from me.



you are the pilot and the voice of the story
5.5" x 9"
57 pages
David Gluchowski Publisher
Rochester/Buffalo mega-collabo-contribution-zine.


my books can be found here:


Golden Rule
811 E. Burnside Suite 122
Portland, OR 97214

Printed Matter, Inc.
195 Tenth Avenue
New York, NY 1001

St Mark's Bookshop
31 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10003

The New Museum Store
at the Chelsea Art Museum
556 West 22nd Street (at 11th Ave)
New York, NY 10011

Talking Leaves
3158 Main Street
Buffalo, NY, 14214

Independant Publishing Resource Center
917 SW Oak Street #218
Portland, Oregon 97205 USA